About Kim


COMING SOON; “Choosing Positivity:35 Ways to Spark Joy Into Your Life” book, journal, retreats and red carpet book launch event!


For over 20 years Kim Somers Egelsee has been an Intuitive, transformational spiritual teacher,Tedx speaker, #1 multi best selling author, life and business coach and publisher (Publishing Joy). She gives people a platform to shine and show their unique gifts through speaking, writing and media,  helps  heal emotions, energy, and limiting beliefs, find their true gifts and purpose, flow through fear and move forward with positive communication, action, confidence and success. She focuses with you in areas of your life so that you can heal, receive intuitive guidance and move forward with peace, grace and ease.Kim is the multi #1 best selling author of the multi award winning  “Getting Your Life to a Ten +”, and “Living the Ten+ Life”(both books are still on the best seller list), co-author of 14 books; including the #1 best seller, “ Becoming Happy: 30 Ways to Heal Your Mind, Body and Soul”, a multiple award winning inspirational TEDX speaker, life and business coach, intuitive, NLP Practitioner, columnist and TV host. Kim has shared stages with greats; Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy, Chris Widener, Dennis Waitley, Niurka and more.  Kim is the co-host of the well known podcast “Talk Purpose and Truth” with Eden Sustin on every platform! She is also the co-founder of High Vibe Soul Sisters; retreats, events and healing circles. Kim has been a co-host of the global variety talk show, “Samira’s Show, which aired to over 150 million people globally, she has had her own “Getting Your Life to a Ten +” web series with the Hallmark channel’s Spirit Clips speaker series and has also hosted her own web series, “Passion, Power Confidence” and “Inspirational Influencers”. Kim hosts and leads regular events and workshops, is a keynote speaker, leads business success mastermind groups, and has a Ten+ life coaching certification program. Kim also works with Kyle Wilson, (founder of Jim Rohn International, Jim’s 18 year partner, and who has worked with Jack Canfield, Og Mandino, Zig Zigler and more) with Lessons From Network as a contributor, event host and speaker.
Kim’s course,Ten Plus Life Coaching Certification Program (which includes 10 Weeks to Confidence) has been developed through Kim’s 30 plus  years of studying personal development, psychology and spirituality, working with mentors, a degree in speech communication, credentials in educational psychology, over 14 years of work in behavior modification, certifications and study  in NLP, Hypnotherapy, pranic healing, emotional healing,EFT, Supreme Influence and over 20 years in life coaching and intuitive readings. In addition, she has over 30 years of public speaking experience, a degree in speech, toastmasters training, and the entertainment industry with marketing, sponsors, producing, developing and PR. Kim offers this as a certification program, and also offers a image consultant program.
 Kim Somers Egelsee has a degree in Speech Communication Studies from California State University of Long Beach, as well as credentials as an Education Specialist and in educational psychology. She worked in the field of special education for over ten years in different areas; as a behavior program specialist focusing on behavior modification and life/job skills coaching for adults with extreme behavioral issues, she worked with children doing behavior therapy and applied behavioral analysis and then as a teacher for children with special/severe needs where she also utilized behavior modification, taught life skills, and education. She also worked at a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Kim was a member of toastmasters,  has had voice lessons, and has been a producer/host/writer/manager/P.R. person in the entertainment industry, belonging to Screen Actors guild since 1993. She has spoken for and hosted events for many businesses and groups including being keynote speaker for Magnolia and Vine’s Bloom conference in Minnesota, Brian Tracy’s Sales Mastery Anniversary event in Dallas, Texas, All Women Rock event, Uptown Women’s Club, Erik Swanson’s Habitudes event, Real Estate Investor Goddesses event, UCLA, L.A. Parks and Recreation, The National Association of Balanced Moms,  Park Regency Realty, Sales Coach Now Live, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez awards luncheon, Extreme Results Fitness, Women Empowered,The Key Club, Paramount Studios,  The Discovery Channel, VH1, and more, and has been an elite expert at The Beverly Hills Health and Fitness Expo, an expert for Sales Coach Now’s Conversations and Coffee Series, a guest on Feel Free In The OC radio show, The Social Sandbox radio show, Financially Wise Woman TV Show, The Amanda Russell Show web series (where they had “Kim Somers Week, and “Fit Strong and Sexy Stars of Summer””), and various other media spots including a featured hit song on The Smoothe Mix #1 best selling album.
Kim has been super happily married for  twenty five years and has 2 beautiful daughters Nia and Noella. She enjoys public speaking, traveling the world, reading, yoga, vintage shopping, event planning and meeting new people. She has been described as authentic, warm, vibrant, the real deal, intuitive, compassionate and wise. 
Kim was once asked to rate her life happiness and fulfillment between one and ten, and she honestly replied “a ten”plus, which is just one of the reasons she genuinely feels she can help others get to a ten plus also.

Kim Somers Egelsee you inspire me in so many ways! Not only are you one of the most positive people I know, you are also living a life that anyone would be extremely fortunate to have. I know that you created that through the essence of your being and the principles and techniques you teach others. You are a living example that living a 10 plus life is possible. Thank you!-Justine Arian; coach/author/speaker